
Feb. 9 Nelson Bike Route traffic scam monitoring YouTube video

 I live in Fairview, own 2 ebikes, ride and walk and know the traffic. I attended the public info session for the grant, window dressing the grant required public consultation. +.  It was a done deal, no  traffic monitoring or engineering to support turning all Fairview 3rd st.STOP signs.  I tried to get through to city council about the impact on Fairview vehicle traffic.  They didn't want to hear from me, said I was wasting their time, they painted me with the crazy brush and blocked my emails. I didn't know my emails were blocked until one day I received an "out of office reply" from the city corporate officer who wan't on my email TO: recipient list? I emailed her asking if my emails were blocked, she replied, correct.  I do have a history with the city asking them questions they don't want to answer.  Particularly in regards to their phony community solar garden.  That was a fraud, phony engineering showing it had a payback.  I complaine...

Background Reminder

 I live in Fairview, own ebikes, tried to offer public input to the bike route grant.  Ended up with the city blocking my emails, emails threatening legal action and a phone call telling me they would take my camera.    Yes they now claim 22 bikes/hr avg, double the pedestrians to 30/hr and vehicle traffic down 50%.   Unsupportable by my dozens of intersection camera video evidence.   The grant was to reduce GHG's, eligibility required traffic monitoring before and after the project to determine success and GHG reduction estimate. Video evidence clearly shows 4000 or more vehicles now stop and start daily because they turned all the Fairview 3rd St stop signs so bikes would not have to stop.   Winter video shows vehicle traffic remains about the same, bicycles amount to virtually none.    The math.....4000+vehicles stop per day.   up to 30,0000/week, 120,000/mo, a staggering   1,400,000 per year  The ci...

City negligence

There is already a precedent in this city for a successful lawsuit.     In the case of   Nelson (City) v. Marchi , the respondent, Taryn Joy Marchi, maintained that she suffered injuries due to the negligence of city personnel performing snow clearing activities. The  slip and fall accident  occurred because the snow plowing crew neglected to provide safe access to the sidewalk. The Supreme Court of Canada found that the city owed the respondent a duty of care and was not immune from liability. The city believed they were immune, you can read all  read all about it here The case was settled out of court, settlement details confidential.  Government immunity,    not so fast........3rd st. bike route is more than neglect, in my opinion gross negligence, turning all STOP signs with no traffic safety engineers approval or traffic monitoring to support this. In my opinion the risk of a cyclist tragedy because the city turned all the STOP sign...

Calculate GHG savings

 Bike Route Grant eligibilityrequired GHG savings estimate  requirements was to show estimated GHG savings and traffic monitoring before and a year later to determine success.  My FOI documents showed none submitted.   How could the city planner submitt this grant application without all the people involved as above whose priority is GHG reduction?  They work in the same building, how will they mitigate this increase in GHG's created by stopping over 4000 vehicles daily on grade so a couple of bicycles don't have to STOP on 3rd st.  Never mind the GHG's from priority plowing and sanding 3rd and all 12 STOP signs. Did the EcoSociety know this would increase GHG's when they wrote their letter of grant support?Would they write it now, how about all the others who wrote grant letters of support?  Why would the city transit supervisor (hardly arms length a grant for the city) write a letter of support now that they will be priority plowing and sanding ...

They Closed the road to get the Grant

 Who is in charge, city council or the city planner who submitted the grant application without city councils approval?  The news item  "At the council meeting, Mayor John Dooley commented that the process seemed backwards: usually council will approve a project before applying for a grant. “Is this project grant-driven or community-driven?” he asked. City planner Sebastien Arcand agreed that it is driven by the grant deadline, but if the application is successful he said it will still be up to council to get public input and formally approve the plan or not."        So they closed the road to get the grant, and vehicles now shortcut down 2nd st.

200 vehicles stop in 2 hours for 2 bikes on 3rd,

 I have lots of intersection video over all seasons, times.  This is Nov. 15, 2023 morning commute 7-9am  197 vehicles stop for 2 bikes, I also have the 4-6 pm evening commute but too dark same amount of vehicles.   Over 1000 vehicles daily.  you can view the video on Youtube at this link

My Hope is the Public will get behind me, something I have failed at so far

 As a Fairview resident, ebike rider, and someone who tried to offer public input has me stopping along with over 1000 every day at 3rd and Kokanee.   I am unwilling to do this because of the stupidity and incompetence of this city council thinking we will all get on bicycles. I came up with my own camera for video evidence, the city blocks my emails and ignores me.  My recent face to face conversation with the city planner, who submitted the grant application, upon my request to return the STOP signs, told me to stop wasting the cities time. They will be returning these STOP signs, either admit the mistake or a cyclist tragedy, inquiry, inquest and lawsuit will force that. In my opinion the city grant application fooled the grant selection committee, although their lack of due diligence resulted in the city getting the grant they were ineligible for. The city knows how to get grant money, tell them what they want to hear, get letters of support from notable communit...