My Hope is the Public will get behind me, something I have failed at so far

 As a Fairview resident, ebike rider, and someone who tried to offer public input has me stopping along with over 1000 every day at 3rd and Kokanee.   I am unwilling to do this because of the stupidity and incompetence of this city council thinking we will all get on bicycles.

I came up with my own camera for video evidence, the city blocks my emails and ignores me.  My recent face to face conversation with the city planner, who submitted the grant application, upon my request to return the STOP signs, told me to stop wasting the cities time.

They will be returning these STOP signs, either admit the mistake or a cyclist tragedy, inquiry, inquest and lawsuit will force that.

In my opinion the city grant application fooled the grant selection committee, although their lack of due diligence resulted in the city getting the grant they were ineligible for.

The city knows how to get grant money, tell them what they want to hear, get letters of support from notable community members and organizations, the grant selection committee must presume the grant application is honest and deserving, they get the grant.

I thought public support to return these STOP signs would be easy, nobody wants to get involved.

I will be the one to get them turned and if enough people read this, all of it, they will get angry enough to get involved. a tsunami of emails will result and they won't be able to ignore that.  

                                         This is how you get grant money, letters of support.

The grant selection committee is over seen by  MOTI (Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure) When you read the grant eligibility requirements it seems pretty air tight they will monitor the project follow up etc. to determine success.    Ha!  Not worth the paper its printed on!!!!.

How are grant letters of support from the city acceptable?  Hardly arms length!

and the following letters of support, who wrote these?  

The local MOTI transportation engineer did?  MOTI are the grant providers??

City managers  the city is applying for the grant how can they write letters of support?

I question the city transit supervisor letter of support.   To be fair, I even wonder if he wrote it.  These letters were solicited before the final project design was they are writing letters for something they don't don't know anything about, trusting the city, its  part of the formula to get grant money, tell them what they want to hear, get letters of support..

I can't see the transit supervisor supporting this (willingly). The bike route is priority just like the bus routes and emergency routes, for how many bikes in winter?  While uphill battles steep difficult snowy icy roads, do they know this?  The sand/plow truck would not only have to prioritize 3rd st. it would have to sand 12 intersections where STOP signs were turned  on a hill, so vehicles could start and stop.  Big diesel equipment plowing and sanding for maybe 1 or 2 bikes in winter, this is supposed to save GHG's! The grant eligibility was for a safe, GHG reducing AAA bike route.  AAA is grades ideally below 3%, this city is built on a mountainside, the only thing AAA in Fairview is 3rd st. the rest is 10 to 15% grades or steeper.

The West Kootenay Cycling Club Coalition grant letter of support.--FRAUD?  Dissolved in 2019 address was a Dr. office in town.  The letter came in early 2020  from the home address of a past director.  Below from the government corporation public data....

To the credit of the purported president of the WKCC in a news item she did say 

But she is skeptical about the Third Street section, which she thinks will be used by cyclists who live in Fairview but not by those coming off the bridge heading for downtown, whom she thinks will use Nelson Avenue rather than turn left to reach Third Street.

This was repeated by councilor Logtenberg who stated experienced cyclists will continue to use Nelson Ave.

IHA grant letter of support, the rhetoric is biking will get everyone out and healthy, partly true.  I see a lot of  ebikes (electric motorcycles) flying around hardly getting the heart rate up.  The city contributes to this with their ebike loans.  Thanks to city councilor Jesse Pineiro who spoke up at a council meeting questioning the health aspect of all the ebikes, mentioning his bike commute was a grunt and he is a fit person. Nelson is built on a mountainside.  I can attest to that, climbing back up to 5th on my regular bike causes me to zig zag and my heart rate goes way up.  On the Ebike,,,,human nature kicks in and I take the easy way, pedal but not enough to reach the exhaustion or heart rate my non ebike brings me.

EcoSociety letter of grant support.   My video evidence shows 4 to 6000 vehicles now stop daily at the 6 turned Fairview STOP signs so bikes don't have to stop on 3rd.  The grades in Fairview 10 to 15% or more, it takes a lot of fuel to get going, never mind the diesel plow equipments priority plowing.  The grant is about GHG reduction and eligibility requires a GHG savings estimate.......?????  What does the EcoSociety have to say about this huge increase in GHG's?

email   ask for an audit, GHG savings estimate, traffic monitoring, approval from a professional traffic safety engineer to turn all 6 Fairview Stop signs on grade.

email and ask them the same.

They city blocks my emails  "Zere vil be NO qvestions"!


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