Feb. 9 Nelson Bike Route traffic scam monitoring YouTube video

 I live in Fairview, own 2 ebikes, ride and walk and know the traffic.

I attended the public info session for the grant, window dressing the grant required public consultation.

+.  It was a done deal, no  traffic monitoring or engineering to support turning all Fairview 3rd st.STOP signs.  I tried to get through to city council about the impact on Fairview vehicle traffic. 

They didn't want to hear from me, said I was wasting their time, they painted me with the crazy brush and blocked my emails.

I didn't know my emails were blocked until one day I received an "out of office reply" from the city corporate officer who wan't on my email TO: recipient list?

I emailed her asking if my emails were blocked, she replied, correct. 

I do have a history with the city asking them questions they don't want to answer.  Particularly in regards to their phony community solar garden.  That was a fraud, phony engineering showing it had a payback.  I complained to the Assoc. Of  Prof. Engineers, they did nothing.   That was my first intro to the city, the hydro manager at the time said he would block my emails.  I was never against solar, I was against tyhe cities dishonesty with the public. The community solar garden was a feelgood political stunt, proposed as voluntary and FULLY funded by those opting in.  I would have no problem if that were true, but I am unwilling to pay for their phony feelgood project.   One could buy a 25 year contract for the power of a solar panel, get their warm fuzzy feeling thinking this would save the planet.

Instead of our money machine, Nelson hydro, making profits from clean green water, the solar garden contract buy in was a portion of the real costs, your hydro bill paid the rest.  And Nelson hydro pays full retail for that feelgood solar power so that money is distributed among those who bought in. It was to be FULLY funded by those opting in, that would be all costs and wholesale for any power it makes one could attribute value to.  Most of its power is made when we don't need it, our dam makes it all! In six months of winter it makes power for little more than one house.

Cradle to toxic grave the solar garden adds to our carbon footprint, life cxpectancy about 25 years.  Nelson hydro sells power to BCHydro for less than a penny.  .0083c/kWh.   The entire year of solar garden power would earn $400.   Solar garden life expectancy, 25 years, cost $400,000.  That would be a mortgatge payment of $2500/mo. for 25 years.   Your hydro bill has about 20 years left to pay.

The city got an award for the solar garden!

The city has a BIG problem.  The solar garden won't kill anyone, the 3rd st. bike route is dangerous sooner or later it will.  Then an inquiry, inquest?, lawsuit will reveal it all. 

They know what they have done, but no one will admit the mistake, they are willing to risk a life.

Its a long story, I thought facebook would work and I could get the public behind me to end this disaster they brought to us, but nobody wants to get involved.

I really have come to dislike facebook, so many nasty comments, name calling, etc.  I know intelligent people are out there, I have tried to get those behind me supplying email addresses and questions that need to be asked, but nobody wants to get involved.

The number one question "show the traffic safety engineering approval for turning all Fairview 3rd st. stop signs?".

Since no STOP sign is to be turned to the more heavily travelled route without a traffic safety engineers approval, this would require traffic monitoring.

The city claims traffic monitoring, a city planner recently presented at a council meeting they monitor 3rd st. traffic and all grants require monitoring before and after to determine success.

Yes the grant application shows no traffic monitoring was done for 3rd st>?????  Explain that!

Anyways, I am very familiar with this cities dishonesty, public deception and lack of transparency.

I came up with a camera and taught myself video editing, certainly no pro, but you can see from the video as long as they remain,(I have been censored and removed in many places) the city clearly could not have monitored 3rd st. traffic, or retained a traffic safety engineer to approve turning all the Stop signs.

So, I will endure the facebook negative comments, and keep showing how the city is dishonest.  I don't have that many years left to drive down Kokanee in my vehicle to STOP at 3rd in case a bike appears.

Feb. 9-10 I monitored Kokanee at 3rd for 24 hours, Feb. 9 from 4 pm to midnite 832 vehicles stopped for 8 bikes.   In 24 hours well over 1000 vehicles stopped. Unusually good weather one would never expect to see a bike. It snowed on the 11th.  The city now priority plows and sands 3rd st. and all STOP signs, this is supposed to save GHG's?

The city should never have received the grant.  Eligibility required GHG savings estimate, traffic monitoring before and after to determine success..........didn't happen, how did they get the money?

The grant was for 2 km of bike route, 1km was already signed and designated bike route, except for a couple new speed bumps and signs all the $690,000 was spent on 3rd, no one cent for traffic engineering.  I asked the BCATgrants@gov.bc.ca to audit this, no response.  I have emailed them several times, they won't talk, I suspect their own lack of due diligence regarding the grant selection committee allowing this grant.

The grant was for AAA (all ages and abilities), this speaks to grades 3% or less, all of Fairview is 10 to 15%.  As is most of the city,  there has to be more deserving cities for this grant money.

The grant is for human powered transportation, the cities loans for ebikes etc. have nothing to do with qualifying for that grant money.  They are all parked for the winter anyways, but vehicles still continue to stop at all the Fairview STOP signs.

The biggest tragedy, blocking off one of the ways across town at Anderson and Nelson Ave.  In order to get the grant money they had to reduce vehicle traffic to below 1000 per day, so they closed the road!  This just reults in vehicles shortcutting on Willow and 2nd st.to get to the highway and north.  The grant stated the route was not to create any vehicle shortcuts.

The city grant  application also claims 235 bike commute to work in the city daily.  I have lived here for decades, have successful adult children and grand children.   To have this newbie city planner, bike rider, and city council who have no idea of Fairview traffic turn all our STOP signs so thousands of vehicles now stop so a few bikes on 3rd don't have to, AARGGHH!!!., I have come to hate where these people are taking this city.  And the city paints me with the crazy brush, blocks me emails, threatens me with legal action, phones me that they will take my camera!  My camera is exposing them to their lies, they never monitored 3rd st.traffic.  I they had no STOP sign could have turned.  They lied about the community solar garden, it was a fraud.   I see the same thing with this bike route, except the solar garden won't kill anyone.


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